The mifold Comfort Grab-and-Go Booster seat has been gifted to Well Travelled Munchkins. All words, pictures and opinions are our own. This article contains affiliate links. This means if you choose to buy a milfold Comfort Grab-and-Go Booster seat through our links you will not be charged any extra but I may receive a small commission.
The milfold Comfort Grab-and-Go Booster Seat has taken all the stress out of packing car seats as part of family travel and here’s why!
Car seats can be a real bugbear when packing for a holiday. Normal boosters are really bulky and can take up lots of valuable room in your luggage. This can be plain annoying, especially if you are going away for a long time or flying long haul.
However, this is where the milfold Comfort Grab-and-Go Booster Seat is perfect! It’s incredibly compact, lightweight and very easy to install! It’s so small each seat can fit right into my hand luggage! Perfect for carrying around day-to-day and perfect for those short hand luggage only flights.

First Impressions
On receiving the Comfort Grab-and-Go Booster from mifold, the first thing I noticed was the size. They are very very compact. The whole seat folds in half and the strap wraps around the base so it’s optimal for travelling with.
The seat itself looks really funky. It’s clear considerable thought has gone into making this product look good. The car seat comes in two colours: charcoal grey and ocean blue. This means you get a little bit of choice when selecting.

Using the mifold Comfort Grab-and-Go Booster Seat
The milfold Comfort Grab-and-Go booster seat is a weight based seat which means only children of a certain weight can use them. The weight range on this booster seat is 15 – 45kgs. milfold also stipulates this booster can only be used for children aged 4 years and over and appropriate until they reach 150 cms in height.
The stand out element of the milfold Comfort Grab-and-Go is that it can be adjusted specifically for your child’s needs. The top strap that attaches to the seat belt if fully and easily adjustable and the lap belt guides attached to the seat can be moved in and out in stages depending on the size of your child.

The booster is very quick to fit. Once you have fitted the strap and lap belt guides once you don’t need to readjust the next time. You can simply uninstall from one car and pop it straight in to another. It’s always best to double check the positioning on the shoulder every time though. Just in case there has been some movement.
To find out more about how to install the booster seat go to the milfold website.

Quality of the mifold Comfort Grab-and-Go Booster seat
The milfold Comfort booster seat has a padded cushion for extra comfort, which the mifold original does not have. Basic instructions are included on the straps of the car seat for added support and each moving part works smoothly and feels sturdy. Overall it’s a quality product.
The milfold Comfort Grab-and-Go Booster Seat is very lightweight. This means it can easily be carried around in a backpack or hand luggage for use in taxis and coaches.

Possible Problems with the mifold Comfort Grab-and-Go Booster seat
Even though the mifold booster seat is globally accepted anywhere in the world (excluding Australia and Taiwan), it is just a seat. It does not have sides or a head rest. This means, ultimately, it is not as protective as fully backed car seats.
However, bare in mind the reasons you are buying this car seat. Is it for everyday use? Or to pack into luggage to take whilst you are away travelling? Or as an option to take in and out of grandparents, friends, relatives cars?

Although this car seat is just a seat, it in no way sells itself as anything else.
Its unique selling point is how light and compact it is. This is exactly why we wanted it and exactly why it is perfect for what we need it to do – easily pack into our bags when we travel.
On the mifold website you can purchase the seat at £49.95 in the choice of the two colours.
Alternatively, you can also purchase on Amazon for £47.81.
Baring in mind it can cost around £12 a day to hire a car seat when you hire a car, a one off payment of £47.81 sounds like good value. Plus, it’s yours to keep and easily pack in your suitcase again, again and again.
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